Did you know that 66 million primary school-age children attend classes hungry across the developing world?

No child should ever go hungry! That’s why, this March, we’re stepping in to help stop hunger. Through our partnership with feedONE, check-ins at Deep Water Church in Dover, Delaware will provide meals to children in need around the world!

Every 2 check-ins provides a meal to a child in need.

What is feedONEfeedONE Children’s Feeding Initiative serves over 146,676 children. The goal of feedONE is to see lives changed as they promote healthy children and communities that are free from poverty and hunger. Many of the children enrolled in this initiative have their only meal of the day at school. FeedONE feeds and monitors the health and growth of children each day in El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Kenya, Nicaragua, the Philippines, Ethiopia, South Africa, Guatemala, and Tanzania.

Visit their Facebook page or website to learn more about what they do!

By the way, the hashtag this month is #meals4kids. Thanks for checking in for children in need!